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“Pre i posle” fotografije otkrivaju pravu istinu o onome što vidite na društvenim mrežama

Ove žene su pokazale da je Instagram pun lažnih slika na kojima mnoge žene koriste sve trikove koji su im na raspolaganju kako bi izgledale savršeno.

Ponedeljak, 06.02.2017.


Izvor: B92

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Naime, neke od žena su rešile da otkriju nekoliko trikova kojima se podvrgava većina devojaka kako bi izgledale potpuno savršeno.

Pored Fotošopa, devojke najviše uvlače višak stomaka kako bi im bio potpuno ravan.

Ili pak biraju poseban ugao za slikanje u želji da sakriju mane na svom telu.

⭐️SelfLove Bootcamp w/Kenzie & Gina⭐️ DAY 16: EMBRACE THE SQUISH · Okay guys, NEITHER of these pics have been edited, retouched, photoshopped, etc. They were taken about 30 seconds apart, this morning at the same camera angle. I am literally twisting my body so far that my stomach disappears on the left. 👉🏼If you would have come across the picture on the left only, some of you may have thought, "omg that girl is so skinny, I wish I looked like that" 👉🏼This is the problem with the internet. A lot of women only post pictures like the one on the left & at the exact same time they also look like the picture on the right, but if we only see the skinny pic, we think they "have the perfect body" & internalize the idea that we don't. 👉🏼This is not true for everyone, but it is true for ALOT of women. 👉🏼Today in SelfLove Bootcamp, we are working to #embracethesquish 💓 Embracing those parts of our bodies where our skin rolls, squishes & sags. Because they are NORMAL parts of all bodies. 99% of the reason we feel they are bad, gross, make us look ugly, make us not sexy is because of the airbrushed & mutated images we see 10 million times a day everywhere we look. 👉🏼LADIES & MEN: The rolls are sexy, beautiful & natural. No matter how big or small they are. 👉🏼At the same time, I know they give you anxiety & make you feel all the negative thoughts, whether you have an ED, BDD or not. I honor those feelings you have & share them with you at times. We are all human & it is impossible to escape the beauty standards that have been placed upon us. 👉🏼I want you to know that your body, naturally, as it is right now is enough. 👉🏼Try not to compare yourself to images you see, those photos should not control your happiness, your self-worth or how you feel about your body. 🔥🔥Keri Washington said "You cannot compare your insides to another person's outsides" ☝🏼 REMEMBER THAT WHEN YOU'RE FEELING LOW. 〰 LOVE, SUPPORT & POSITIVITY 💘xo #thereisnowrongwaytobeawoman #SelfLoveBootcamp #beforeandafter

A photo posted by ·*· h a l l e ·*· (@_____halle__) on

Devojke se snalaze na različite načine pa tako koriste i dobro osvetljenje koje im pomaže u skrivanju nedostataka.

Your fat rolls are beautiful🙌 ⬆️I made a video about them (link in my bio)⬆️ And the reason we have been lead to believe they aren't is because we don't see them in the media unless someone's being shamed for weight gain or ridiculed for their body. This is NOT the truth and not OK. Having rolls of skin / fat that are soft / squidgy or big / small does not define your beauty. I wanted to show you how my body looks when I'm relaxed and when I'm posing right next to each other so you can see how easy it is to manipulate how a body looks. (I filmed myself doing this for you on my YouTube) As a model in the industry 13years I've seen nearly all the pics chosen of me for lingerie & swimwear shoots are the ones where my stomach looks flattest. Which for a long time lead me to believe that's how I should look. Because even if I did happen to have a few shots where I'm in a position you can see back fat or rolls someone had decided it's more "beautiful" "aspirational" or will inspire more customers to buy the product if those so called "flaws" don't exist. But things are changing I remember the first time I saw curvier models in editorials with their rolls and back fat and I remember the first time I shot with @aerie and they wanted me to not pose but be real and just myself. Then when I saw my first campaign with them and I could see my unretouched body - pics with rolls / back fat I'm not gonna lie I was shocked. That quickly turned into joy because they made me feel good enough and knew that those "flaws" didn't mean I wasn't beautiful in fact showing that their models didn't have to be "flawless" was incredibly empowering. So thank you #AerieReal and everyone who created the movement it's not just game changing but life changing ILY😘 And that's why when I started my insta about 3years ago I created the #everyBODYisbeautiful bc we are more than the sum of our perfections we are all beautiful equal souls living in imperfectly perfect bodies.

A photo posted by i s k r a (@iskra) on

Stav koji imaju dok poziraju isto utiče na skrivanje nepoželjnog viška na telu.

Međutim, prava istina je da sve one imaju salo, celulit i ostale nedostatke kao i svaka žena na ovoj planeti.

Ovo je arhivirana verzija originalne stranice. Izvinjavamo se ukoliko, usled tehničkih ograničenja, stranica i njen sadržaj ne odgovaraju originalnoj verziji.