Poznata muzičarka pronašla nestalog brata posle 16 godina: "Srce je htelo da mi iskoči"

Dajen Gordon piše pesme za Bijonse i vrlo je uspešna u svom poslu, a nedavno je podelila i svoju priču o tome kako je pronašla svog brata beskućnika na ulicama Los Anđelesa 16 godina nakon što ga je poslednji put videla.

Petak, 06.01.2017.


Izvor: B92

Poznata muzičarka pronašla nestalog brata posle 16 godina:
Foto: Instagram/screenshot


Tekstopisac i pevačica Dajen Gordon napisala je za Bijonse pesmu “Sorry”. Ona je krajem decembra pronašla svog davno izgubljenog brata Dejvida sasvim slučajno na autobuskom stajalištu u Los Anđelesu.

“Moje srce je lupalo ludo, a suze su se same slivale niz moje lice”, napisala je Dajen u postu na sajtu “GoFundMe”. - “Nakon što je prošlo više od decenije, ja sam izgubila svaku nadu da ću ga pronaći. Poslednjih nekoliko godina sam se čak i pomirila sa činjenicom da ga nikada neću videti. U mom srcu, on je postao osoba koja je nestala zauvek.”

Hi friends, family, loved ones, and anyone who kindly takes the time to read this post. You have my sincere gratitude . A few days ago I experienced a true miracle. I FOUND MY BROTHER WHO HAS BEEN MISSING THE LAST 16 YEARS. He's ALIVE!!!!!!!! The last few days have been an emotional roller coaster. As pulled to side of the road and laid eyes on the homeless man sitting at the bus stop with only his 2 crates, my heart was beating, the tears had already begun to pour down my face . You see, after the first decade went by, I lost hope of ever finding him. These last few years, I accepted the fact that we were never going to find him. In my heart I had put him to rest . Los Angeles has a population of nearly 10 million people. How is it that he was sitting alone at a bus stop less than a few miles from my home? His memory is fragmented. His spirit defeated. He has only had his own thoughts to comfort him during this long stretch of time and because of that, a form of mental illness has set in.In fact, now that I have spent several days caring for him in my home and interacting with him, he truly seems to be stuck in a child like state. I asked what he had been doing all these years and his one reply was, "SURVIVING." In the last few days, while working on gaining his trust, I have made countless calls to hospitals, counselors, social workers and friends to figure out the next steps. What has become apparent is that it is going to take a lot of care, time and nurturing to once and for all show him that he is not alone and that he is loved and worth loving.😔UPDATE: due to to the unsolicited press publishing stories about David's miracle, There has been a wave of love and support but also sadly, internet trolls have also brought negativity into something wildly positive,amazing and beautiful . I have decided Gofundme is no longer the best way to raise money for my brother on a public platform. Everything I do, I do in love. I'm a young woman who will always do the best I can for my family. Thank you to so many of you for your prayers love and support 🌹🙏🏾. D

A photo posted by Diana Gordon (@dianagordonofcl) on

S obzirom na to da je Dajenina porodica iz Njujorka, bila je iznenađena kada ga je srela baš u Los Anđelesu. Kako ga je srela, osetila je naboj emocija. Kada je prišla da ga pozdravi, on je nije ni prepoznao isprve.

Naime, Dejvid je postao skitnica, njegov fizički izgled se promenio, čak je i mentalno oboleo. Ipak, Dajen ga je prepoznala. Kasnije mu je pokazala fotografije njih dvoje kada su bili deca, pa su počela polako da mu naviru sećanja.

❤️ THIS WAS THE VERY MOMENT WE FOUND MY BROTHER DAVID ALIVE !!!!! WE FACE TIMED OUR OTHER SISTERS IN . HE HAS BEEN MISSING FOR 16 YEARS ❤️. A few days ago I experienced a true miracle.🙏🏾 As pulled to side of the road and laid eyes on the homeless man sitting at the bus stop with only his 2 crates, my heart was beating, the tears had already begun to pour down my face . You see, after the first decade went by, I lost hope of ever finding him. These last few years, I accepted the fact that we were never going to find him. In my heart I had put him to rest . Los Angeles has a population of nearly 10 million people. How is it that he was sitting alone at a bus stop less than a few miles from my home? His memory is fragmented. His spirit defeated. He has only had his own thoughts to comfort him during this long stretch of time and because of that, a form of mental illness has set in.In fact, now that I have spent several days caring for him in my home and interacting with him, he truly seems to be stuck in a child like state. I asked what he had been doing all these years and his one reply was, "SURVIVING." In the last few days, while working on gaining his trust, I have made countless calls to hospitals, counselors, social workers and friends to figure out the next steps. What has become apparent is that it is going to take a lot of care, time and nurturing, to once and for all show him that he is not alone and that he is loved and worth loving. 😔😔😔UPDATE: due to to the unsolicited press publishing stories about David's miracle, There has been a wave of love and support but also sadly, internet trolls have also brought negativity into something wildly positive,amazing and beautiful . I have decided Gofundme is no longer the best way to raise money for my brother on a public platform. Everything I do, I do in love. I'm a young woman who will always do the best I can for my family. Thank you to so many of you for your prayers love and support 🌹🙏🏾. D

A photo posted by Diana Gordon (@dianagordonofcl) on

“Kada sam ga pitala šta je radio sve ovo vreme on je odgovorio: 'Preživljavao sam'", piše Dajen.

Dajen i njena porodica su sada usmereni na to da pomognu Dejvidu da se izleči i presrećni su što su ga pronašli. Kako je došlo do toga da Dejvid nestane, Dajen nije navela.

Ovo je arhivirana verzija originalne stranice. Izvinjavamo se ukoliko, usled tehničkih ograničenja, stranica i njen sadržaj ne odgovaraju originalnoj verziji.

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