
Žustra rasprava na internetu: Da li je moguće da ovu devojku nazivaju plus-sajz modelom

Model Mila Dalbesio je 2014. godine okarakterisana od strane modne marke Kelvin Kajn kao njihova prva plus-sajz manekenka.

Subota, 25.06.2016.


Izvor: B92

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THE BODY ISSUE ~ I don't know how or why but I guess this topic is inexplicably trending in relation to me once again, so I'm going to address it quickly. I am not plus size. I have never been plus size. Which is confusing, I understand, because for the first 8 years of my modeling career, that is the segment of the industry that I worked in and the board at my (former) agency that I was signed to. Why is that? Because 10 years ago, when I started modeling, no "straight size" board would sign anyone above a size 2-4 (and even size 4 was pushing it). Working under that label was the only way I could work. Luckily, things have changed in that regard. I am happily on the main board at @nextmodels, which does not distinguish any difference in size or shape of it's models, just represents them as they are, without labels. How things have shifted in the past decade! And what is even more glorious is the amount of successful models of all shapes and sizes that we see in major media now. Luckily for the people saying that I am "not plus size enough" to be working, they have amazing role models they can look up to that may represent someone closer to themselves. Girls like @theashleygraham, @taralynn, @palomija and @jojacalled inspire me constantly. But I also think it is important for women that are my size to see themselves represented. Let's not begrudge them (or me) for that. One of the reasons I post naked selfies is because I want other women to see that their own bodies are both normal and beautiful. I remember a scene in Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene, where Elizabeth Olsen took her clothes off, and I felt like I saw myself in her body, something that I rarely, if ever, saw represented in mainstream Hollywood. It made me feel good, almost like I was better understood. Can we all just work on understanding each other? Body shaming, whether it be too fat, too skinny, too athletic, etc. is unfair for all. We all want to be healthy, we all want to be beautiful, we all want to belong. I DESERVE TO BE REPRESENTED AND YOU DO TOO. We all do. And we all can be, if we start encouraging and supporting one another instead of picking each other apart 💖 #rantover #bodytalk

A photo posted by MYLA DALBESIO (@myladalbesio) on

Odrednica plus-sajz uz ovu devojku naljutila je ljude širom sveta optužujući modnu industriju da podstrekuje mlade devojke da budu što mršavije i samim tim skonije poremećajiima u ishrani.

Sama Mila se u tom periodu distancirala od ove odrednice i rekla kako bi sebe najradije okarakterisala kao normal sajz. Kako je vreme prolazilo ova polemika je zaboravljena, ali ponovo ju je pokrenula glumica Katarina Tildeslej koja nije mogla da veruje da je Kelvin Klajn okarakterisao ovu devojku kao plus-sajz i svoju nevericu šerovala na Tviteru.

Odmah zatim usledili su brojni komentari i polemika je pokrenuta ponovo. Većina je zgranuta kako ova devojka može da se naziva punijom, a šta vi mislite?

Da li ova manekenka treba da se naziva punijom?

Malibu beach Barbie reporting for duty 💖🌴🍹

A photo posted by MYLA DALBESIO (@myladalbesio) on

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