Fitnes i dijeta

Dovela se u red: Ima više kilograma, ali manje centimetara

Nesa Sfer postala je fitnes zvezda jer je uspela da opovrgne mnoge teorije o mršavljenju i izgledu ženskog tela.

Ponedeljak, 13.11.2017.


Izvor: B92

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"Hrana je naš prijatelj, a ne naš neprijatelj", kaže.

Danas ima 358.000 pratilaca i sledbenike koji žele da promene svoj život.

"Nisu piletina i salata dovoljni da biste imali telo iz snova. Definitivno ne. Većina ljudi to ne shvata, a jedan od glavnih razloga zašto ne izgledamo onako kako želimo je što ne jedemo dovoljno", rekla je.

Transformation ‼️ *Long caption alert* 👉🏼 What happens when you post a progress picture? First of all you get lots of positive feedback and it definitely encourages you to work even harder ♥️ You gain confidence and new energy to be able to continue to stick to your plan and in general you feel so much better 😍👏🏼 But there is also the another side of it. All of the mean comments ☠️🔛 I don't like to mark my picture with time frame because there is always someone saying: "It took you xxx weeks to achieve it??? I could have done it in x weeks!!" 💪🏼🤓 First of all, yeah, sure, prove it!! Second, my progress pictures do not necessarily mean I want to show my results following a specific routine during a specific time frame. Sometimes you simple show your progress over the whole fitness journey. And you have your ups and downs, you have weeks without any progress, sometimes you fell off the wagon and your body doesn’t change. Or maybe you finally got your dream body and over next months you are simply maintaining it? 👍🏼✅ Then there is always someone commenting: "You have no butt now!!" Oh really? I haven't noticed losing it, I am pretty sure it's still there. Yes, you definitely see the big butt obsession all over Instagram but does it mean, everyone needs to strive and work only for it? I like MY NEW BUTT and I am happy about it, isn't it what really matters? And there is another one: "Your underwear changed for better!!". Haha 🙈😂 That one always makes me laugh 😆 OK, let me explain you, it's not the typical underwear on the left. Those are seamless and comfortable panties I used to wear under my leggings while working out back in time. But hell yes, when you gain some confidence, you are definitely not afraid to show a little bit more. But still not my whole butt in lace thongs. If this is what you are waiting for - wrong address... 🙅🏼 And last but not least: “I prefer before!!” 😜 Remember, it's a matter of taste but I don’t necessarily feel a need to read it. As they say: ‘De gustibus non est disputandum’ ✔️ Love and peace ✌🏼❤️ PS. If you still have any questions in regards to my transformation, feel free to ask in the comments below 👇🏼🤗

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"Kad ne jedete dovoljno, vaše telo se prebacuje u stanje izgladnjivanja. Vaš metabolizam se usporava, i tako se stvara začarani krug", objašnjava Nesa.

Dalje se usporava sagorevanje masti. Ona je svoj izgled promenila zahvaljujući rutini koja uključuje pet do šest izbalansiranih obroka dnevno unosa 2000 do 2200 kalorija, vežbe pet puta nedeljno, kombinaciju dizanja tegova i kardio vežbe.

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