Fitnes i dijeta

Ovaj psihološki trik "upalio", njena tranformacija neverovatna

Svaka priča o mršavljenju je posebna na svoj način. Ali, Kristina Karter je imala ozbiljan zadatak - ima je 125 kilograma. Prvo je hirurški smanjila želudac, a godinu dana kasnije ona izgleda bombastično.

Četvrtak, 18.01.2018.


Izvor: B92

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Kristina ne krije je da je imala pomoć estetskih hirurga koji su joj odstranili višak kože, ali je i ona sama morala mnogo toga da promeni u svojoj psihi da bi održala svoje novo telo i kako se ne bi vratila u prethodno stanje.

Sa svojim brojnim Instagram podelila je svoje životno iskustvo.

I was told last week that I don’t have the right to show my before/after pictures because I have had surgery. This person took it to the level of saying I’m a complete fraud. I know I’m not. And I honestly don’t care what this person thinks. But I want you to know the TRUTH: I’m not here to show you what’s PROBABLE. I’m here to show you what’s POSSIBLE. I’m here to inspire even ONE woman take the first step on this journey. Fact is: I’ve had surgery. I’m real open about it. . What many of you DON’T know is: -From weight loss surgery, I lost 60 pounds quickly and gained almost all of it back. I learned, the hard way, that surgery only works if YOU do. -Because of nutritional issues post op, I landed in the ER many times. -During my weight loss, I went through a divorce that made plastic surgery financially impossible. -Nutritional issues after plastics caused severe complications that resulted in two extra surgeries. . But no matter what: I persisted. -I learned how to eat and workout to lose the weight...and I gave it my all. -I learned how to give my body the nutrition it needed so I don’t get sick. -I worked 30+ overtime hours a week for a year so that I could find a way to have the plastic surgery I wanted so badly. -I finally healed from my plastics complications. . I don’t say all this to impress you, but to impress UPON you that sometimes there is more than what meets the eye. I was met with resistance EVERY STEP of the way...but no matter what: I persisted-and so can you. . The key to success in ANY area of your life is NOT mastering the ability to be consistently PERFECT, but mastering the ability to be consistently BETTER. 💕 . Photo cred: @cwmg

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"Ja hranu volim kao i pre. Ukus joj je bio jednako dobar i neodoljiv, ali ono što sam promenila u percepciji iste je to što sam počela da razmišljam o onome šta jedem. Pre sam živela od obroka do obroka. Doslovce sam razmišljala za vreme jednog obroka šta ću jesti za sledeći. Sada sam naučila da uživam u novim stvarima. Volim da kuvam, pravim obroke sa manje ugljenih hidrata i šećera", rekla je.

Kristina je prestala i da se emotivno prejeda, a stresa se oslobađa svirajući klavir i vežbajući.

Za njenu fizičku i emocionalnu transformaciju zaslužan je, kaže, težak rad.

"Važno je da imate načine oslobađanja od stresa, a da to nije prejedanje. Naučila sam na teži način da se zbog loše hrane možete osećati dobro u tom trenutku, ali na kraju izgledate loše. To je ključna promena za mene", iskrena je.

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