Imala sam pobačaj- Instagram profil koji ruši tabue

Kada žena neplanirano izgubi bebu tokom trudnoće to je veliki šok, a ova tema je na neki način i dalje tabu. Jedna žena sada to pokušava da promeni- Džesika Cuker pokrenula je Instagram profil "I Had a Miscarriage" gde žene koje su prošle kroz ovo iskustvo dele svoje priče i pružaju utehu.

Nedelja, 30.07.2017.


Izvor: B92

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Doktorka psihologije iz Los Anđelesa koja je i sama proživela intimnu tragediju - 2012. kada je izgubila dete u 16. nedelji rešena je da neke stavri promeni.

"Bila sam sama kod kuće, imala sam grčeve i primetila sam krvarenje. Osetila sam da dete izlazi iz mene. Nazvala sam ginekologa koji mi je telefonom davao savete šta da radim dok ne stigne pomoć. Posle toga moj život više nikad nije bio isti", ispričala je Džesika.

Dear Leon by @paula.gryska. Stories from around the world (Scotland). Posted with permission. _ Dear Leon, It only seems right to tell your story now as you came into our lives on the 23rd of December last year. I took a pregnancy test that day and those 2 magic lines turned pink straight away. I remember feeling so happy! I couldn't wait to tell everyone about you! And so I wrapped those two plastic sticks with my urine on them in a big red bow and just like that made your dad the happiest man on the planet. _ Funnily, we decided not to do gifts for each other that year. Who knew we would receive the most beautiful gift of all?! YOU. Our FIRST baby 🌟 _ Our 9 months together was mainly filled with you trying really hard to break my ribs. You kicked so hard we laughed and thought you must be wearing shoes inside. For 40 weeks you made me feel like I was superhuman. I loved to sing and dance around with you, talk to you and plan what your future would be like. _ Leon. You will always be our FIRST son. You were born 27.08.16 @ 2:57 am and gave us 5days 15hours and 18minutes to cuddle and love you like no one has ever been loved before. You gave us a chance to be your parents. _ You suffered terrible brain damage and couldn't be saved. We had to make a decision to take you off life support and for the first time in our lives we knew what it really feels like to have a broken heart. You fell asleep in my arms at 6:15pm on the FIRST of September and changed us and our lives forever. Love you & miss you always. Mum & Dad _ #IHadAMiscarriage #infantloss #stillbirth #stillborn #grief #loss #motherhood

Објава коју дели Jessica Zucker, Ph.D. (@ihadamiscarriage) дана

Danas na njenom profilu mnoge žene dele intimne priče, iskustva, tugu i strahove, ali dr Cuker im, osim reči ohrabrenja, daje i savete kako da krenu dalje. Žene dele i fotografije svojih stomaka snimljene kada je sa trudnoćom sve još bilo u redu i kad nisu ni slutile da će njihova silna sreća nepovratno nestati u samo jednom trenu ili fotografije svojih postporođajnih tela bez bebice u naručju...

THIS by @ashleedwells: "Mama. I didn't yike it in your belly." . _ My face softens as her brown eyes look up at me. Lashes dragging softly inside blue glasses. "What didn't you like baby?" "What do you remember?" . _ I didn't yike it in your belly, Mama. It was too quiet. I yiked it and then Aurory yeft and it was too quiet." . _ Without warning the tears come. Streaming down my cheeks as I lean back in my chair to look at her fully. So matter of factly. She remembers. "I'm sorry love. I'm sorry it was so quiet. I'm sorry sister left." . _ "Yeah. I didn't yike it Mama. Too quiet. I didn't yike it in your belly." . _ I hold her close to my chest for a quick moment before she pushes back and slides down. Determined to wrangle Doc McStuffins or dessert from my partner, her less tearful parent in the other room. _ I'm left with a gift. Stream of conscious memories from the brief window where children can recall memories and experiences from a time that seems unfathomable and simultaneously have the language to share them before they're forgotten forever. A language half human and half god from a space between two worlds. _ I sit. I breathe. Tears still falling. Grateful. Heartbroken. _ There was a time I thought I experienced alone. A time when the three of us - Aurora, Nova, and I - were one. A time when there were no boundaries between mother and child. Where hearts beat and babies swished. A time before. A time I wasn't sure she'd ever remember. Right now she does." _ #IHadAMiscarriage #twinloss #stillbirth #infantloss #grief #loss #motherhood #ttts #twintotwintransfusion #identicaltwin #pregnancy // @ashleedwells is the founder of @4thtribodies.

Објава коју дели Jessica Zucker, Ph.D. (@ihadamiscarriage) дана

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