Šokirala obožavaoce: Objavila slike svojih masnica nakon zlostavljanja

Komičarka Bet Steling je objavila fotografije s namerom podizanja svesti o nasilju u porodici.

Sreda, 30.12.2015.


Izvor: Dnevnik.hr

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Bet Steling odlučila je da javno progovori o zlostavljanju koje je doživela od strane bivšeg dečka. Na svom profilu na Instagramu je objavila nekoliko fotografija svojih ruku i nogu prekrivenih modricama.

'Ovog leta sam raskinula s dečkom ne zato što ga nisam volela već zbog ovoga. Kad me pitaju zašto smo raskinuli nije lako odgovoriti na to pitanje. Neuprijatno mi je. Osećam se glupo. Nakon što me je verbalno i fizički zlostavljao i silovao, bila sam s njim još nekoliko meseci nakon svega toga. Nije to tako jednostavno. Nakon što smo raskinuli rekao mi je da dobro razmislim da li ću ga spominjati u svojim stand up nastupima budući da je on isto stand up komičar. Nisam pričala o njemu jer oboje živio u Los Anđelesu i nisam želela da ga povredim i da navučem njegov bes i bes njegovih prijatelja, možda zaraditm tužbu. Želela sam da nastavim sa svojim životom i zaboravim na sve to. Ni sada ne želim osvetu ili da mu naudim, ali nezdravo je to držati u sebi. Moj posao je u tome da izvlačim inspiraciju iz svog života. Sada tome dozvoljavam da bude deo mog života. Ovo nije jedini deo mog života, pa me molim vas, nemojte samo tako ni doživljavati. Ako ste nedavno slušali moje nastupe, mogli ste čuti šale na tu temu. Mnoge žene koje su pretrpjele slično došle kod mene nakon nastupa i zamolile me da nastavim da radim to što radim, baš kao i mnogi muškarci', napisala je u opisu fotografije.

Bet je objavila fotografije s namerom podizanja svesti o nasilju u porodici te kako bi ohrabrila druge žrtve da prekinu tišinu.

Same girl in all of these photos (me). I've had an amazing year and you've seen the highlights here, so these photos are an uncommon thing to share but not an uncommon issue. You may be weirded out but do read on. I have a point. There are many reasons not to make an abusive relationship public, mostly fear. Scared of what people will think, scared it makes me look weak or unprofessional. When I broke up with my ex this summer, it wasn't because I didn't love him, it was because of this. And I absolutely relapsed and contacted him with things I shouldn’t have, but there are no “best practices” with this. When friends or comics ask why we broke up it's not easy or comfortable to reply; it doesn't seem like the appropriate thing to say at a stand-up show, a party or a wedding. It's embarrassing. I feel stupid. After being verbally, physically abused and raped, I dated him for two more months. It's not simple. After I broke up with him he said, "You're very open and honest in your stand-up, and I just ask that you consider me when you talk about your ex because everyone knows who you're talking about." And I abided. I wrote vague jokes because we both live in L.A. and I didn't want to hurt him, start a war, press charges, be interrogated or harassed by him or his friends and family. I wanted to move on and forget because I didn’t understand. I don't want revenge or to hurt him now, but it's unhealthy to keep this inside because my stand-up is pulled directly from my life. It's how I make my living. My personal is my professional. That is how I've always been; I make dark, funny. So now I'm allowing this to be part of my story. It's not my only story, so please don't let it be. If you live in L.A., you've already started to hear my jokes about this and I ask you to have the courage to listen and accept it because I’m trying. Already since talking about this onstage, many women have come to me after shows asking me to keep doing it. Men have shown their solidarity. An ex-girlfriend of this ex-boyfriend came to me and shared that she experienced the same fate. Then there was another and another (men and women) who shared other injustices at his hand that..

A photo posted by Beth Stelling (@bethstelling) on

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