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Zbog njenih slika se devojčice osećaju loše, ali ovim potezom je ispala prava faca

Kada je šesnaestogodišnjakinja pisala fitnes zvezdi Ani Viktoriji i poručila da se zbog njenih fotografija oseća nesigurno sigurno nije očekivala kako će Ana odregovati.

Sreda, 21.12.2016.


Izvor: B92

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Just a lounging selfie 🤗 no makeup or hair done, not posing (and no sticking out either). I'm not sharing this because I think I look bad, or because tummy rolls are bad, or because cellulite, messy hair or no makeup is bad. None of those things are bad or imperfect. They are NORMAL. - I'm sharing this because I just received an email from a 16 year old girl that said I am the only person she follows that actually made her feel good about herself. That even though she's not particularly unhappy with her body, that seeing endless perfect photos started to make herself compare, poke and prod at her own body. The impact social media has on young girls and their self-esteem is an issue I feel very strongly about and if me posting one casual, non-posing, non-done up photo can help a young girl (or man, or anyone of any age!) feel better about themselves, then I'm happy to put myself out there. - Some will look at this and say "what's the big deal?" If it doesn't resonate with you, that's ok. I just ask that you think of those who it does help before firing off with negativity because you don't "get" it. So when we live in a society that profits from your insecurities, be a rebel and LOVE yourself. Love your body at every angle and don't ever be ashamed of being human, of struggling, or hey, even of loving the crap out of yourself!! 🤗 We need more girls who are wildly confident and loving every bit of themselves and shouting it from the rooftops. Show young girls it's not only okay but necessary to be confident, strong young women, "flaws" and all. #fbggirls www.annavictoria.com/guides

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Ana je videvši ovu poruku svoju ulogu uticajne fitnes instruktorke shvatila veoma ozbiljno. Postavila je fotografiju u prirodnom izdanju sa neisfeniranom kosom i licem bez šminke.

“Ovu sliku nisam podelila jer mislim da izgledam loše, niti zbog naduvenog stomačića ili celulita, čupave kose ili zato što smatram da je lice bez šminke loše. Nijedna od tih stvari nije loša niti nesavršena. To je NORMALNO!“, napisala je.

THE VACATION MOMENTS YOU DON'T SEE 🙈🎂 Many of you know how I aim to achieve an 80/20 lifestyle balance which means I eat healthy 80% of the time and ensure I'm making my health a priority, then I enjoy myself/indulge the other 20%. While on vacation or traveling however, I find a 50/50 approach is more realistic for a few reasons. A. If you're on vacation, you SHOULD enjoy yourself!! While I am a trainer and a fitness professional, I will tell you flat out I don't believe in making your life revolve around fitness, it's just not realistic for the majority of us. Go out with friends! Enjoy holidays with your family! And most importantly, don't guilt yourself for it which leads me to my other reason, B. If you try to eat perfectly while on vacation or traveling, chances are somewhere along the line you're going to get thrown off and then that leads to guilt and upset and potential all out binges. Just be realistic from the beginning, KNOW that it's okay to enjoy yourself and also know that some indulgence can actually be good for you (prolonged periods of "dieting" = increased cortisol which is the stress hormone that causes your body to hold onto fat.) 50/50 allows you to enjoy your vacay without going totally off track so you get the best of both worlds. That's what a sustainable lifestyle change is all about, so kick up your feet every once in a while and allow yourself to enjoy life (then get right back to kicking booty as soon as you're back home)! 😊😘 #fbggirls www.annavictoria.com/guides

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Ona je istakla da su društvene mreže zaslužne za nedostatak samopouzdanja koji devojčice osećaju.

“Uticaj društvenih mreža na devojčice i njihovo samopouzdanje je veliki problem i imam jak stav na tu temu, pa ako podelim jednu neobaveznu sliku, a one se zbog toga budu osećale bolje, ona ću to rado i nastaviti da radim.“

Zar ovo nije sjajan potez?!

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